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Easter sunday was celebrated by Christians in Kuwait
 Sun, 24 Apr 2011
  KUWAIT: The forty days of observance of the Lenten Season commemorated the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ, finally ended with the celebration of the Easter Sunday for Christians in Kuwait. Four Catholic parishes, namely The Holy Family Cathedral in Kuwait City, Our Lady of Arabia in Ahmadi, St. Therese of the Child Jesus in Salmiya and St. Daniel Comboni in Jleeb Shuyoukh offered religious services for believers starting as early as three in the morning till evening. Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait Bishop Camillo Ballin, said in his brief remarks during an Easter Vigil celebration Saturday evening, that Easter is a very important occasion to celebrate because it is the core of the Catholic Faith that symbolizes new life and hope for every Christian to acknowledge and accept Christ. He also wished everyone who attended the event a blessed and holy Easter celebration. As for Assistant Parish Priest Fr. Bren Barrameda, he informed Al Watan Daily that Kuwait gives foreigners the opportunity and privilege to exercise freedom of worship; regardless of the religion and that the Christians are free to practice the religion. Fr. Barrameda also praised the Kuwaiti government for giving such opportunity. He also reminded everyone that regardless of where in the world they are, Christ will always be with them. The four major Catholic parishes collectively celebrated 34 Holy Masses in different languages. Easter Day is the day Christians remember Jesus raising from the dead after his crucifixion. The resurrection, as described in the Christian Bible, means that at the very moment Jesus rose from the dead, was the very moment we would be given everlasting life. Christians would now receive new life after death. The Easter holiday celebrates this belief. Easter is therefore the last day celebrated during a 40 day Easter season. The season begins with Lent, a 40-day period before Easter Sunday. During Lent, Christians prepare for Easter. Lent is considered a time for penance, a time to show sorrow for sins and to seek forgiveness. One way many Christians show their sorrow is by fasting, which limits the kinds and amounts of food that are eaten. Christians may also give something up during this 40 week period as patronage to the suffering of Jesus. While not all Christians fast during Lent, those that do pattern their behavior after Jesus who prayed and fasted in the wilderness before his death on the cross. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and most churches hold special services in the evening. At many of those services ashes are placed on the foreheads of worshipers to remind them to have a humble spirit. Lent continues until Holy Week, which is the final week of Lent .Holy Week began with Palm Sunday, which celebrates the story of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. Good Friday is the day Jesus died on the cross. On Easter Sunday outdoor, Easter services sometimes take place at sunrise to celebrate Christ's resurrection. Christians believe they too will rise from the dead and ascend into Heaven. It's important to note that Easter is not a time to dwell on death and sorrow, but rather the miracle of renewed life has given Christians hope, faith and love. Easter is also closely associated with the season of spring.

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